Before and After the Storm

“The Calm Before the Storm”

This post is a reminder to me that with the storm of life comes beauty and anticipation of a stunning day at Amelia Island coming soon.  Despite the COVID19 and all that entails, the beach and sunshine have no partnership with it.  Go to the beach and soak in the sunshine!

A respite from the snow and cold of winter, this image inspires us to “think” of warmer days and the delights of the ocean and the opportunities it brings to us to venture into wonderful places to photograph nature. This image along the waterways and salt marshes of Amelia Island was shot just as the clouds were rolling in for a major thunderstorm which created wonderful crisp-clear color and interesting cloud formations. As the threatening lighting and thunder were behind me, I was reminded that with beauty must also come danger and it is especially so in landscape, nature and wildlife photography.

After the Storm:  We return to the beautiful and restful Amelia Island, a place of beauty, refuge and respite, peaceful sunrise and sunsets and blue hour glory.

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2 responses to “Before and After the Storm

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