A Tree Grows in Crystal City?

A Tree Grows in Crystal City?

Architecture, historic sites and Pop Art murals are some of my favorite subjects to shoot when traveling. There is a plethora of fun and funky pop art, murals and interior design all around you and especially in our cities that you have more to photograph that you can imagine.

I also love to photograph red subjects (as you can see from much of my work) and this is especially so in art and design, thus the attraction to this particular art wall in Crystal City. The subject is an exterior wall mural of an authentic design sketch and that’s pretty interesting in itself but what fascinated my photographic/HDR eyes as I passed by was the tree shadow on the wall art.  What a contrast from the art, concrete and buildings of hard surfaces to the soft shadowy live wind-blown tree growing up in the city making its own art reflection. Thus, this was a “must-do” addition for my HDR Pop Art on Canvas Collection. If you are looking for interesting art/artists for HDR application, check out the links below and your city, town or country for great places to photograph this art subject.

Anne Marchand

DC Murals

Photography Copyright, JayJacy Photography ©2019 All Rights Reserved

Rain, Worldwide Photo Walks & HDR

Rain, Worldwide Photo Walks & HDR

The Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk 2011 was a great success with over 27,954 walkers from 1,116 walk locations all over the world.  Some amazing images are circulating of every type and description including HDR and DRI.  The Winchester Photowalk, the location where jArt lead, we had pouring rain which produced beautiful light and reflections for the walkers.  I volunteered to help the newbie photographers and assist but did not shoot nor enter the contest.  I grabbed a few shots as time permitted in HDR just for fun.   This is the first image I have produced for public viewing utilizing HDR Efex Pro of [3@+2-0-_2] images.  The image depicts the photo walkers in action.

If you have not seen the images from that photo walk, you can view them at the Official Worldwide Photo Walk.

Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival

It’s that time again, Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival week and the City of Winchester is decked out in all of its finery for a week of festival delights. The Festival is one of the largest in the US and wonderful with an eclectic array of activities including parades, floats, celebrities and more. Check out “The Bloom” site for more details.

HDR Note:  Many of the buildings in the historic district are made up of brickwork from various generations, some buildings dating back to the 1600’s and thus you will see many that have brick “stop and starts” from over its history.  It makes for interesting HDR application.   Like historical buildings in Charleston, Atlanta and other old towns, they are wonderful, colorful and interesting subjects to photograph.