Our Kind of Town

As native Washingtonians we are blessed with beautiful architecture and historical places both in the City and in the surrounding towns and countryside.  Famous places like the historic City of Winchester, Fredericksburg, Old Town Alexandria and Williamsburg in Virginia to the beautiful Annapolis and Eastern Shore of Maryland.  As lovers of historic architecture, the Pedestrian Mall in Old Town Winchester with its quaint streets make a perfect choice for property and business alike.  Old towns have wonderful buildings with high ceilings, great light and perfect locations for photographers.  This image is one of our favorite streets for studios and storefronts and if an established photography studio was not already there, we might just have to move in a beautiful building across the street.  As they say, great minds (and photogs) think alike!

Winter in Black and White

How lovely is photography in black and white that enhances the beauty of nature.  Trees speak of their age, beauty and individuality in this media.  Whether through film, digital, or infrared, HDR processing or art, it is much desired and loved and becomes a favorite in our galleries.  This coming Spring JayJacy Photography, HDRChic and RealArtPhotography will photograph the Virginia Arboretum at Blandy Farm and other historical gardens of Virginia in Black and White Media for our Historical Gardens Art on Canvas Project.

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Winter in the Boulevard

THE FROST has settled down upon the trees
And ruthlessly strangled off the fantasies
Of leaves that have gone unnoticed, swept like old
Romantic stories now no more to be told.

The trees down the boulevard stand naked in thought,
Their abundant summery wordage silenced, caught
In the grim undertow; naked the trees confront
Implacable winter’s long, cross-questioning brunt.

Has some hand balanced more leaves in the depths of the twigs?
Some dim little efforts placed in the threads of the birch?—
It is only the sparrows, like dead black leaves on the sprigs,
Sitting huddled against the cerulean, one flesh with their perch.

The clear, cold sky coldly bethinks itself.
Like vivid thought the air spins bright, and all
Trees, birds, and earth, arrested in the after-thought
Awaiting the sentence out from the welkin brought.*
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Photography: Copyright, JayJacy Photography ©2014-2018 All Rights Reserved – No Reblogs Please. Thanks

*D.H. Lawrence (1885–1930)

Cathedral of St. John The Baptist

The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Savannah, Georgia.   At last, we are sharing our images from the exterior shoot of the cathedral.   Like the beautiful interior renovation (see earlier posts below) this cathedral is a must-see when visiting Savannah.  It is truly a place of worship and artistic beauty.

The Baptismal Font

The Beauty of St. John

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Click on image to see the history of this amazing cathedral from 1799 to present and peruse the beautiful presentations.

Photography: Copyright, JayJacy Photography ©2017
All Rights Reserved – No Reblogs Please. Thanks