Delicious Autumn

“Is not this a true autumn day? Just the still melancholy that I love – that makes life and nature harmonise. The birds are consulting about their migrations, the trees are putting on the hectic or the pallid hues of decay, and begin to strew the ground, that one’s very footsteps may not disturb the repose of earth and air, while they give us a scent that is a perfect anodyne to the restless spirit. Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.”
― George Eliot

Photography: “Delicious Autumn, Art on Canvas,
Copyright, JayJacy Photography ©2017

All Rights Reserved 


Another Morning Sunrise

Lake Sunrise - Jay&Jacy Photography ©2012 All Rights Reserved

Happy Autumn that is here! For the love of early Autumn that we have waited for…sharing a favorite post.

A few more images from the beautiful early morning sunrise “Secret Lake” before we begin the fall foliage, winter and snow images.  The Eastern skies have been incredible this year and as the temperatures drop they become even more intense, bold and colorful.

Note: Bracketed  HDR and DRI images are in the collage.

O Glorious Autumn Sunrise

O Glorious Autumn Sunrise

An early morning autumn sunrise is one of the most beautiful sights you will experience.  In the fall in the Shenandoah Valley when the air is crisp and clear the colors of autumn pop like no other time and especially in the sunrise and sunsets. The last week has brought us incredible red/orange skies with mixtures of golden lights from the sun and peeks of blue, lavender and purple casts on the clouds.  Totally a breathtaking sight to photograph and especially if at “Secret Lake” or the ocean.  One can get lost in the beauty of it.  Rise early and capture it..