Inspiration Moments

Looking for Inspiration? It’s everywhere in nature…even in storms…
One of the most amazing things that happens to photographers is that expected moment when cloudy skies burst open up with shades of beautiful color in hues of the rainbow and more!  This was one of those moments, I was inspired and I grabbed the beauty of it!

Melting Blues of Amelia Island

Melting blues and greens of ocean sunrise at Amelia Island. These truly beautiful colors creating a mood of serenity and promise of warmth and a day of sunshine for frolicking on the beach and enjoying the ocean. Capturing the amazing colors of the sunrise, in all of its hues, is a favorite for this photographer. Photographing sunrise in HDR/DRI bracketed allows for an abundance of color and light capture which is the best for sunrise-sunset. Capture the hues, capture the light! This is another image in our “Waterscapes Art on Canvas” from the “Ocean Phototour.” @jacyjoypals for @HDRCHIC

Photography: Art on Canvas, Copyright, JayJacy Photography, ClassyHDRChic Photography ©2018 All Rights Reserved, No Reblogs Please. Thank you

Mystified By Your Colors

One cannot explain how beautiful the colors of the skies are with words and how those colors appear to the eye of the beholder as they change from moment to moment.  I do have my head in the skies from early morning to late blue hour evenings and especially at oceans ends.  It is no wonder that I love HDR Photography (or Digital Blending techniques) for the ability to capture and enhance those captures with amazing tools to create photographic beauty.  It seeps into one’s soul and desire for wanting more and why I am often at the seashore to relish in it.

Photography: Art on Canvas, Copyright, JayJacy Photography ©2015 All Rights Reserved, No Reblogs Please. Thank you

This storyboard features the process for these images: Final processed image; Photomatix Pro 5  image; 3 images captured for process.